Sunday, 16 September 2012

This could be the longest day and the night has yet to come

In the second week of my Swiss holidays I had a guest at my aunt's place in Nyon. My best friend came with her son to pick me up.
We've spent nice day and next morning walking and at the beach at the Lac Leman and the next day in the afternoon we took a train to Zurich. I cannot remember well, but I don't think I've ever been there during the summer. It's incredible how well outdoor swimming facilities are organised there. Water in the Limmat river is clean enough to swim there in the middle of the city. The same with Zurich Lake. There are changing rooms everywhere, wooden platforms at the banks for easier access, access ladders. I wish the same for Warsaw and for Vistula River.

Max - Michelin Boy

 One day we went to Alt St. Johann for an easy trek. It was one of that theme paths for kids with their grandparents. You take a gondola lift to get up and there you have a nice almost flat walk. But views were fabulous.
Panorama from the Mittelstofel in the Toggenburg

Chillaxing after the geriatric flat 12km walk in the mountains

Cela, Max and Dorota

Dorota and Jonas with their baby

I just loved this gondola lift toy

Saturday, 1 September 2012

Deep sea baby

Holidays. Not too much planned. There were some initial ideas, but it did not work out. I don't care too much as long as I have nice place to stay, what I have. Big thanks to my Swiss family.
I'm staying in Borex, close to French border, 5km from the Lac Leman (Geneva Lake) surrounded by vine yards, sunflower, apples and wheat plantations. Safe and sound. Without any duties, things to do, people to meet, places to be. Just me, myself and I.
Now after a week of this state of half solitude I've realised that this is exactly the kind of holidays that I've wanted. My life is usually too busy and this rest is better than anything.
First two days I had friend coming over and we did some hiking in the surrounding. We drove to Leysin and from there we did the following walk:
Leysin - Le Temeleq - La Berneuse (2048) - Lac d'Ai - Lac de Meyen - Truex (2194) - Les Fers - Les Plans - Leysin.
It was only 16 km but it was constantly either up or down, so really tyring, but I don't mind this kind of tiredness. It's just beautiful.
On the way from Leysin to La Berneuse

La Berneuse. With the view of Mt. Blanc

Lac d'Ai

Cottage in Lac de Mezen

Panarama view from Truex (2194). Mt. Blanc on the left and Lac Leman (Geneva Lake on the right)
Now being on my own I do some running, walking, swimming. Weather outside is not the best what you can get, but it's still bearable. Like today - slight rain, 17 degrees. Maybe swimming in the swimming pool in Nyon with the water temperature of 24 is not very pleasant but it is still possible.
On the way from Borex to Nyon. Ain't it pretty?

Beach in Nyon, at Lac Leman. Water was rather rough today, but it was not a problem for an old couple who had a swim in the lake. The funniest part was when she was walking down, towards the beach in her white bath robe.

Beach in Nyon

After swimming in the pool I walked back to Borex. I took different route than on the way from Borex to Nyon. I've found some life among the sunflowers burnt by sun.
That was just a lucky shot. I saw that redman and I liked the colours so I took a shot.
I also went to to Geneva to visit a friend. And again very relaxing time. Vine at the balcony in the same center of Geneva, party, bike trip (what a pity it was raining again...).
Bike trip was to Hermance, which is a border city with France. Gorgeous route via small towns, fields and vine yards.

Fountain in Geneva