Typical Polish Christmas Tree decorated with everything. Not only with red or silver |
We had tons of gifts under the Christmas Tree this year |
Like three years ago (this took us some time to figure out how long ago it was) I’ve spent New Year’s Eve with my best friend and her new family in Switzerland. In fact three years ago they were her family in a different way than now, but that’s not that significant fact.
We’ve left Gliwice in the early (very early) morning on 27th of December and took train to Warsaw. I went home to pack and complete some activities. She and Jonas had some tasks to do in the down town so we decided to meet at the airport.
Everything was going smooth until I went to pick up my skis from the service. It was about 40 minutes before I was planning to take a cab. I went there, relaxed, asked for my equipment and what did I see? My skis are not there. They have not picked it from the store where the servicing actually takes place (what a process by the way). Damn it! When I was giving them my skis about 2 weeks before I told when I need them back. The guy even wrote it down on the receipt that he gave me.
I’ve made them to bring the ski back, especially that I gave them also my new boots (Lange World Cup 120) that I wanted to try during this trip. They told me to come back at 1.
I went there by cab on the way to the airport. Skis were there, they’ve managed to collect it and bring back. But in the mean time one of them mentioned that they were to be ready only for the 31st which was bollocks. Even on that receipt I had 27th written down.
We flew to Zurich where Dorota and Jonas had to repack. Next we took a train to Luzern and changed there to Schüpfheim. Here we were picked by Wilhard.
View from my room |
My room ;-) |
All together I had 5 days of skiing planned, but skied only 4. One day it was raining cats and dogs all day which is not the best weather for skiing. It can be snowing, it can be cold, it can be windy, but rain is definitely not what you want. Although the other 4 days were not perfect I had fun.
1st day was fabulous: sun, perfect slopes, maybe just a little bit too many people, but I guess that Soerenberg is getting more and more popular even though it’s rather small and family dedicated area.
Also the other days were good and I did not mind when I had to go on my own as not everyone wanted to ski everyday and others were allowed to ski at all. Actually it was fun too. I was going where I wanted, having rests when I wanted (my new boots are great in terms of holding my leg very hard, but that causes some pain to my broad feet so I had to open them every time when I was reaching bottom of the slope and just rest sometimes in the cottage) and just doing what I wanted. It was like traveling on my own.
Even the day after that heavy rain was not very tragic at the slope. Snow was heavy and wet, but it was pretty much ok.
Almost every day after skiing I was going swimming (swimming pool access is included in the skipass) or running. That was very sporty time.
Maybe this in not the best picture, but the only that I have of the slopes. Day was not sunny enought for good picture with my monkey camera. |
Lange World Cup 120 + Atomic SL9 |
On the chairlift |
On one of the chairlifts there was stuffed aminal on each chair |
For the NYE party we were invited to Rossweid Hutte. At first I was excited, as I’ve never been to the NYE Party in the cottage on the slope. And the event was interesting but now I’m not entirely sure if I’d like to do there again. Basically because I did not understand very well what the MC is saying (I can speak only German – and not even amazing and he was talking Swiss-German which is a mix of German and French and God knows what yet, so it’s obvious that it is not understood by me) and the Edelweiss Duo was playing only Swiss songs. When they were not playing the MC was singing Swiss songs to the background music played from the CD.
That was definitely mind widening night with a lot of good food, very few dances that I was dancing, attendants much older than myself. The night did not bring hang over and shadows under my eyes, not even any internal doubts. It was something new and original.
On the 1st of Jan I had some time to ski (in that heavy after rain snow) and in the late afternoon we had to go back to Zurich. Last walk in Zurich, early night (at least it was supposed to be) and very early morning. I had to catch plane at 7.00a.m. to Warsaw, as in I had to repack and catch evening connection to Dubai via Munich.
I have to say here great ‘Thank You’ to Jonas who got up with me, at 5.20 and helped me with all my bags. Otherwise I would not make it to the Oerlikon Railway Station. I had 4 bags to carry but three out of them were drop off luggage (big bag, boots’ bag and skis). And I love Swiss Airline for the fact that they did not charge me for any of those. I’m not sure if it’s their policy or my Frequent Traveler, but I’m quite sure it’s the policy.
And the guy at the drop off counter was from Tibet and recognized luck shawl that I got in Kagbeni in Nepal, which I still have tied to my bag. I think that it made him happy.
MC. And in the background Duo Edelweiss |
With my best friend Dorota |
One of the events was a snake play |
Sometimes we were dancing too. I mean others were and I was watching. |
Gluing spoons to forehead or nose was something we were doing to kill some time I believe |
New style: red long johns and wellingtons |